Member of the 2BESAFE research group and PhD candidate Ante Pilipović participated at the METIS Summer School on Seismic Hazard Analysis held in Pavia, Italy from 20th – 23th June 2022. The school was held at the EUCENTRE facilities and was organized by the Global Earthquake Foundation (GEM) together with the University of Pavia (IUSS) as part of the METIS project financed by Horizon 2020.
The school dealt with Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) topics and introduced the Open Quake engine to students with a hands-on approach. Special attention was given to the interface between engineering and seismology in order to achieve best PSHA results utilizing contributions from both fields in order to acquire a hazard-consistent set of records for further seismic analyses and developing fragility and vulnerability curves.
In attendance were PhD students from universities across Europe including earthquake engineers, seismologists and geologists.
The information about the event is available at: METIS Seismic Hazard Summer School – METIS (metis-h2020.eu)